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Writer's pictureCalyssa Kelly

How to set goals you can sustain for all of 2023!

Have you ever set New Years resolutions and ‘failed’ within the 1st week? This could be many reasons…

  • You are too vague with your goals

  • You don’t know your “why”

  • You were just setting goals for the sake of a new year and don’t have a purpose

  • You have the mentality of New year, new me

  • You have no planning process

  • You just have the end goal but no actionable steps towards it

First off, goals do not need to be set for just the new year or starting the 1st of January. Goals can be created all throughout the year. Don’t wait until the new year to set goals.

The main reason new years resolutions don’t work is your goal is not specific enough. A lot of people’s goals heading into the new year are “I want to lose weight” or “I want to be healthier.” But what does that mean? How are you going to measure the progress? Also, get rid of the mindset of “new year, new me.” If you don’t achieve your goals you are going to continue in this cycle of waiting until the new year to take action!

You need to be SMART with your goals
- Specific
- Measurable
- Achievable
- Realistic
- Timely

To find out more about what this means, read the free guide below! Included in this ebook you will learn how to set SMART goals, the truth about motivation and how to create the perfect action plan for you!

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